Saturday, July 30, 2011



An army of doctors and lawyers protect colleagues who are guilty of negligence, using all the money it takes to silence damaged victims...

Will the National Health Insurance (N.H.I.) bill allow Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) – doctors’ insurers - to stand back, while Dr. J.M. Rumbak – in private practice, with a medical negligence history – enjoys carte blanche to damage patients, without taking responsibility for his victims?

Google “muscle spasm while chewing “ for video of Dr. Rumbak’s butchered surgery, which has left me with a permanent neck-erection, and a monster mouth...
District Surgeon’s Reports state ”removed tooth-roots with damage to (tempero-mandibular) joints. No operation will help.”
Doctors’ Reports state: “cartilage disruption”; “trigeminal nerve affected”…


I promised my coach - the late Ms. Louise Hodes - that my war against private-health professional-lies will continue.
I will not sell my soul to the devil, by being intimidated by wealthy arrogance.

Apartheid-mentality support-systems are still in place, to protect the South African medical-mafia:
health department has NO control over doctors in private practice (like Dr. Rumbak), who issue false medical reports to cover their negligent colleagues’ shouting guilt, prescribing poisonous drugs to silence those victims who take a stand.
Their army-of-lawyers humiliate, intimidate, and torture brazen victims who bring out The Red Flag…
Doctors are able to bury their botch-ups effortlessly!
According to Common Law, this ‘right of eminent domain’ is an ILLEGAL privilege!
Health Department needs to control private hospitals, to avoid a repeat of the Netcare scandal: their CEO offered a public apology, after being “fined R7,8-million, admitting they unlawfully acquired and transplanted kidneys at a KwaZulu-Natal hospital earlier in the decade”
(Sunday Times 21 November 2010).

Dr. J.M. Rumbak has maimed me.
District Surgeon’s Reports & Doctors’ Reports are proof of the damage, which has ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life.
It will be a fight to The Death, until Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) acknowledges its obligations, after its client committed me to a life of pain and discomfort…

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL is paid to protect negligent doctors, including Dr. Rumbak. Their credo “guiding the professions and protecting The Public”, is a misnomer: they treat The Public with no sympathy, finding negligent doctors ‘blameless’, without meeting the damaged victims; they are aware of Dr. Rumbak’s negligence history; his victims are intimidated into silence.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL protected Dr. Ivor Lang & Dr. Benjamin Tucker, “who issued a false medical certificate”. “Lang and Tucker were later found guilty of improper and disgraceful conduct after FIVE (5) Doctors – Trefor Jenkins, Frances Ames, Edward Barker, Leslie Robertson, and Professor Phillip Tobias forced the Health Professions Council to re-open the case”. Lang and Tucker were then found guilty of covering up Steve Biko’s murder by the security police
(The Star 5 June 1997).

Corrupt MEDICAL PROTECTION SOCIETY used lawyer Rohan Isaacs – with evil tricks – to silence my grievances, after Dr. Julian M. Rumbak’s butchered mouth-surgery ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life…

Dr. Rumbak - in private practice - has a negligence history.
Dr. Rumbak’s THREE (3) other victims:
- Mr. X. suffered post-operative sinus problems. Advocate Brian Spilg compelled Dr. Rumbak to foot costs of corrective surgery.
- Ms. Y. Dr. Rumbak was responsible for incorrect crown fittings.
- Mr. Z. suffered post-operative infection, which had to be remedied by another doctor.

DR. RUMBAK’S character-assassination report states that I am “an Economics Lecturer: a bachelor, with psychological problems, living in a flat, and playing the piano in a Yeoville bar”!
After he removed my tooth-roots, I experienced prolonged bleeding; my face swelled grotesquely, climaxing in excruciatingly-painful cracking of the jaws, which persists today.

If a doctor ruins YOUR life, lawyers twist Truth, claiming that the damage “is a pre-existing condition, in YOUR imagination”. With a bag of lies, they turn the physical damage caused by the negligent doctor into a mental illness!

ROHAN BARRY ISAACS – a lawyer representing Deneys Reitz attorneys - used illegal tricks and “bully tactics” to free Dr. Rumbak from shouting guilt…
Isaacs illegally intimidated my chief witness, who refused to testify; he dispossessed me, and terrorised me by disrupting my lecture with a telephone call, illegally intimidating me with threats of orders, compelling me into humiliating examination by doctors, whom Isaacs paid, to give reports denying the blatant damage caused by Dr. Rumbak, with pretexts of “pre-existing conditions in my imagination”…

THE LAW SOCIETY – at five BOGUS ‘investigations’ - protected my lawyer, Peter Soller, who sent Death Threats, and purposely spoilt my case.
Mr. du Plessis – head of the law society disciplinary committee – threatened to ‘have me removed’, if I did not keep quiet!
Soller was then struck off the attorneys’ roll by two Judges, who state that “Soller is a danger to society”!
The law society allowed “172 law firms to defraud poor road accident victims” (The Star 10 July 2001).
What is the law society going to do with lawyer Rohan Barry Isaacs, who - inter alia - engineered false medical reports?

DR. DAVID SHEVEL was paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs to issue a report pointing to ‘delusions of grandeur’, because my Economics Students achieved Top Honours on three occasions in National Examinations: he slotted this TRUTH into a psychiatric ‘delusional disorder’, using false logic…

DR. GUNTHER WINKLER - curious to know how I remain positive, motivated, and strong - read Dr. Shevel’s report, and prescribed anti-psychotic drugs: haloperidol and benzhexol, which cause stiffness, shaking, and sudden Death…
This is the behaviour of a Nazi murderer!

Let us never forget serial murderer, “Dr.” Harold Shipman, who prescribed medication to worsen his patients’ condition. After 150 of his patients died mysteriously, police would not act, as “the evidence was not strong enough”.
Shipman was eventually found guilty, and hanged himself in his cell!

These colleague doctors - paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs – networked to silence my attempts to force out Truth and Human Rights, entitling Restorative Justice. They tortured me, in a combined effort to prove that I am CRAZY!

MAE NAVIAS - an old social worker, who wormed her way back after going on pension - fingered my sanity: she tried to blackmail me into an evaluation at Valkenberg Mental Hospital. After entering the portals of Valkenberg – in the company of murderers and rapists - a black mark & sour stigma sticks for life, and that person loses all further credibility!

Burnt vagina victim (where doctor implicated fled the country, and hospital was guilty) was treated with no mercy by the same judge, with the same arrogance he showed towards me…

APARTHEID JUSTICE means that in the High Court –
Judge Claassen was blatantly biased: he would not allow me to refer to details of the damage Dr. Rumbak caused to THREE (3) other victims, which is important and relevant Corroborative Evidence.
Judge Claassen would not allow me to demonstrate to the court that I chew in pain - like a donkey - after Dr. Rumbak damaged my Trigeminal Nerve: muscles in my neck and cheek are in permanent spasm; he dislocated my jaw, and damaged my jaw-joints, which crack. I speak in discomfort.
Judge Claassen shouted at me, and he allowed adv. John Suttner to ask a ‘leading question’.
Is this the kind of ‘judgment’ good enough to bear up in an International Court of Justice?
“Black Judges ‘not trusted’” (Sunday Times 17 October 2010).
A deputy minister has stated that “courts are racist” (Sunday Times 14 November 2010).
Fine Music Radio News 17h00 3 January 2011 referred to a “dysfunctional criminal justice system” in South Africa!
What will be done about old, biased, apartheid-mentality judges?

I draw to the attention of the world, evil acts committed by the South African medical and legal fraternity, funded by the Medical Protection Society (doctors’ professional indemnity insurers), focusing on their combined - subversive efforts - to silence stubborn victims.

If I ever surrender my Calling as a Teacher to Honour Truth, I would be giving ammunition for the devil to continue his work.
I would be a guilty accessory to medical negligence, if I did not make a contribution towards doctors taking responsibility - and being held accountable - for their botch-ups!

Raymond Chait (Hons.B.Com.H.E.D.)
Cell: 082 672 3776 Mobile: (+27) (0) 82 672 3776
30 July 2011.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



District Surgeon’s Reports state ”removed tooth-roots with damage to (tempero-mandibular) joints. No operation will help.”
Doctors’ Reports state: “cartilage disruption”; “trigeminal nerve affected”…

Will the National Health Insurance (N.H.I.) bill allow Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) – doctors’ insurers - to stand back, while Dr. J.M. Rumbak – in private practice, with a medical negligence history – enjoys carte blanche to damage patients, without taking responsibility for his victims?

Google “muscle spasm while chewing “ for video of Dr. Rumbak’s butchered surgery, which has left me with a permanent neck-erection, and a monster mouth...


I promised my coach - the late Ms. Louise Hodes - that my war against private-health professional-lies will continue.
I will not sell my soul to the devil, by being intimidated by wealthy arrogance.

Apartheid-mentality support-systems are still in place, to protect the South African medical-mafia:
health department has NO control over doctors in private practice (like Dr. Rumbak), who issue false medical reports to cover their negligent colleagues’ shouting guilt, prescribing poisonous drugs to silence those victims who take a stand.
Their army-of-lawyers humiliate, intimidate, and torture brazen victims who bring out The Red Flag…
Doctors are able to bury their botch-ups effortlessly!
According to Common Law, this ‘right of eminent domain’ is an ILLEGAL privilege!
Health Department needs to control private hospitals, to avoid a repeat of the Netcare scandal: their CEO offered a public apology, after being “fined R7,8-million, admitting they unlawfully acquired and transplanted kidneys at a KwaZulu-Natal hospital earlier in the decade”
(Sunday Times 21 November 2010).

Dr. J.M. Rumbak has maimed me.
District Surgeon’s Reports & Doctors’ Reports are proof of the damage, which has ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life.
It will be a fight to The Death, until Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) acknowledges its obligations, after its client committed me to a life of pain and discomfort…

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL is paid to protect negligent doctors, including Dr. Rumbak. Their credo “guiding the professions and protecting The Public”, is a misnomer: they treat The Public with no sympathy, finding negligent doctors ‘blameless’, without meeting the damaged victims; they are aware of Dr. Rumbak’s negligence history; his victims are intimidated into silence.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL protected Dr. Ivor Lang & Dr. Benjamin Tucker, “who issued a false medical certificate”. “Lang and Tucker were later found guilty of improper and disgraceful conduct after FIVE (5) Doctors – Trefor Jenkins, Frances Ames, Edward Barker, Leslie Robertson, and Professor Phillip Tobias forced the Health Professions Council to re-open the case”. Lang and Tucker were then found guilty of covering up Steve Biko’s murder by the security police
(The Star 5 June 1997).

Corrupt MEDICAL PROTECTION SOCIETY used lawyer Rohan Isaacs – with evil tricks – to silence my grievances, after Dr. Julian M. Rumbak’s butchered mouth-surgery ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life…

Dr. Rumbak - in private practice - has a negligence history.
Dr. Rumbak’s THREE (3) other victims:
- Mr. X. suffered post-operative sinus problems. Advocate Brian Spilg compelled Dr. Rumbak to foot costs of corrective surgery.
- Ms. Y. Dr. Rumbak was responsible for incorrect crown fittings.
- Mr. Z. suffered post-operative infection, which had to be remedied by another doctor.

DR. RUMBAK’S character-assassination report states that I am “an Economics Lecturer: a bachelor, with psychological problems, living in a flat, and playing the piano in a Yeoville bar”!
After he removed my tooth-roots, I experienced prolonged bleeding; my face swelled grotesquely, climaxing in excruciatingly-painful cracking of the jaws, which persists today.

If a doctor ruins YOUR life, lawyers twist Truth, claiming that the damage “is a pre-existing condition, in YOUR imagination”. With a bag of lies, they turn the physical damage caused by the negligent doctor into a mental illness!

ROHAN BARRY ISAACS – a lawyer representing Deneys Reitz attorneys - used illegal tricks and “bully tactics” to free Dr. Rumbak from shouting guilt…
Isaacs illegally intimidated my chief witness, who refused to testify; he dispossessed me, and terrorised me by disrupting my lecture with a telephone call, illegally intimidating me with threats of orders, compelling me into humiliating examination by doctors, whom Isaacs paid, to give reports denying the blatant damage caused by Dr. Rumbak, with pretexts of “pre-existing conditions in my imagination”…

THE LAW SOCIETY – at five BOGUS ‘investigations’ - protected my lawyer, Peter Soller, who sent Death Threats, and purposely spoilt my case.
Mr. du Plessis – head of the law society disciplinary committee – threatened to ‘have me removed’, if I did not keep quiet!
Soller was then struck off the attorneys’ roll by two Judges, who state that “Soller is a danger to society”!
The law society allowed “172 law firms to defraud poor road accident victims” (The Star 10 July 2001).
What is the law society going to do with lawyer Rohan Barry Isaacs, who - inter alia - engineered false medical reports?

DR. DAVID SHEVEL was paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs to issue a report pointing to ‘delusions of grandeur’, because my Economics Students achieved Top Honours on three occasions in National Examinations: he slotted this TRUTH into a psychiatric ‘delusional disorder’, using false logic…

DR. GUNTHER WINKLER - curious to know how I remain positive, motivated, and strong - read Dr. Shevel’s report, and prescribed anti-psychotic drugs: haloperidol and benzhexol, which cause stiffness, shaking, and sudden Death…
This is the behaviour of a Nazi murderer!

Let us never forget serial murderer, “Dr.” Harold Shipman, who prescribed medication to worsen his patients’ condition. After 150 of his patients died mysteriously, police would not act, as “the evidence was not strong enough”.
Shipman was eventually found guilty, and hanged himself in his cell!

These colleague doctors - paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs – networked to silence my attempts to force out Truth and Human Rights, entitling Restorative Justice. They tortured me, in a combined effort to prove that I am CRAZY!

MAE NAVIAS - an old social worker, who wormed her way back after going on pension - fingered my sanity: she tried to blackmail me into an evaluation at Valkenberg Mental Hospital. After entering the portals of Valkenberg – in the company of murderers and rapists - a black mark & sour stigma sticks for life, and that person loses all further credibility!

Burnt vagina victim (where doctor implicated fled the country, and hospital was guilty) was treated with no mercy by the same judge, with the same arrogance he showed towards me…

APARTHEID JUSTICE means that in the High Court –
Judge Claassen was blatantly biased: he would not allow me to refer to details of the damage Dr. Rumbak caused to THREE (3) other victims, which is important and relevant Corroborative Evidence.
Judge Claassen would not allow me to demonstrate to the court that I chew in pain - like a donkey - after Dr. Rumbak damaged my Trigeminal Nerve: muscles in my neck and cheek are in permanent spasm; he dislocated my jaw, and damaged my jaw-joints, which crack. I speak in discomfort.
Judge Claassen shouted at me, and he allowed adv. John Suttner to ask a ‘leading question’.
Is this the kind of ‘judgment’ good enough to bear up in an International Court of Justice?
“Black Judges ‘not trusted’” (Sunday Times 17 October 2010).
A deputy minister has stated that “courts are racist” (Sunday Times 14 November 2010).
Fine Music Radio News 17h00 3 January 2011 referred to a “dysfunctional criminal justice system” in South Africa!
What will be done about old, biased, apartheid-mentality judges?

I draw to the attention of the world, evil acts committed by the South African medical and legal fraternity, funded by the Medical Protection Society (doctors’ professional indemnity insurers), focusing on their combined - subversive efforts - to silence stubborn victims.

If I ever surrender my Calling as a Teacher to Honour Truth, I would be giving ammunition for the devil to continue his work.
I would be a guilty accessory to medical negligence, if I did not make a contribution towards doctors taking responsibility - and being held accountable - for their botch-ups!

Raymond Chait (Hons.B.Com.H.E.D.)
Cell: 082 672 3776 Mobile: (+27) (0) 82 672 3776
26 July 2011.

Saturday, July 23, 2011



Burnt vagina victim (where doctor implicated fled the country, and hospital was guilty) was treated with no mercy by the same judge, with the same arrogance he showed towards me…

Will the National Health Insurance (N.H.I.) bill allow Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) – doctors’ insurers - to stand back, while Dr. J.M. Rumbak – in private practice, with a medical negligence history – enjoys carte blanche to damage patients, without taking responsibility for his victims?

Google “muscle spasm while chewing “ for video of Dr. Rumbak’s butchered surgery, which has left me with a permanent neck-erection, and a monster mouth...


I promised my coach - the late Ms. Louise Hodes - that my war against private-health professional-lies will continue.
I will not sell my soul to the devil, by being intimidated by wealthy arrogance.

Apartheid-mentality support-systems are still in place, to protect the South African medical-mafia:
health department has NO control over doctors in private practice (like Dr. Rumbak), who issue false medical reports to cover their negligent colleagues’ shouting guilt, prescribing poisonous drugs to silence those victims who take a stand.
Their army-of-lawyers humiliate, intimidate, and torture brazen victims who bring out The Red Flag…
Doctors are able to bury their botch-ups effortlessly!
According to Common Law, this ‘right of eminent domain’ is an ILLEGAL privilege!
Health Department needs to control private hospitals, to avoid a repeat of the Netcare scandal: their CEO offered a public apology, after being “fined R7,8-million, admitting they unlawfully acquired and transplanted kidneys at a KwaZulu-Natal hospital earlier in the decade”
(Sunday Times 21 November 2010).

Dr. J.M. Rumbak has maimed me.
District Surgeon’s Reports & Doctors’ Reports are proof of the damage, which has ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life.
It will be a fight to The Death, until Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) acknowledges its obligations, after its client committed me to a life of pain and discomfort…

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL is paid to protect negligent doctors, including Dr. Rumbak. Their credo “guiding the professions and protecting The Public”, is a misnomer: they treat The Public with no sympathy, finding negligent doctors ‘blameless’, without meeting the damaged victims; they are aware of Dr. Rumbak’s negligence history; his victims are intimidated into silence.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL protected Dr. Ivor Lang & Dr. Benjamin Tucker, “who issued a false medical certificate”. “Lang and Tucker were later found guilty of improper and disgraceful conduct after FIVE (5) Doctors – Trefor Jenkins, Frances Ames, Edward Barker, Leslie Robertson, and Professor Phillip Tobias forced the Health Professions Council to re-open the case”. Lang and Tucker were then found guilty of covering up Steve Biko’s murder by the security police
(The Star 5 June 1997).

Corrupt MEDICAL PROTECTION SOCIETY used lawyer Rohan Isaacs – with evil tricks – to silence my grievances, after Dr. Julian M. Rumbak’s butchered mouth-surgery ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life…

Dr. Rumbak - in private practice - has a negligence history.
Dr. Rumbak’s THREE (3) other victims:
- Mr. X. suffered post-operative sinus problems. Advocate Brian Spilg compelled Dr. Rumbak to foot costs of corrective surgery.
- Ms. Y. Dr. Rumbak was responsible for incorrect crown fittings.
- Mr. Z. suffered post-operative infection, which had to be remedied by another doctor.

DR. RUMBAK’S character-assassination report states that I am “an Economics Lecturer: a bachelor, with psychological problems, living in a flat, and playing the piano in a Yeoville bar”!
After he removed my tooth-roots, I experienced prolonged bleeding; my face swelled grotesquely, climaxing in excruciatingly-painful cracking of the jaws, which persists today.

If a doctor ruins YOUR life, lawyers twist Truth, claiming that the damage “is a pre-existing condition, in YOUR imagination”. With a bag of lies, they turn the physical damage caused by the negligent doctor into a mental illness!

ROHAN BARRY ISAACS – a lawyer representing Deneys Reitz attorneys - used illegal tricks and “bully tactics” to free Dr. Rumbak from shouting guilt…
Isaacs illegally intimidated my chief witness, who refused to testify; he dispossessed me, and terrorised me by disrupting my lecture with a telephone call, illegally intimidating me with threats of orders, compelling me into humiliating examination by doctors, whom Isaacs paid, to give reports denying the blatant damage caused by Dr. Rumbak, with pretexts of “pre-existing conditions in my imagination”…

THE LAW SOCIETY – at five BOGUS ‘investigations’ - protected my lawyer, Peter Soller, who sent Death Threats, and purposely spoilt my case.
Mr. du Plessis – head of the law society disciplinary committee – threatened to ‘have me removed’, if I did not keep quiet!
Soller was then struck off the attorneys’ roll by two Judges, who state that “Soller is a danger to society”!
The law society allowed “172 law firms to defraud poor road accident victims” (The Star 10 July 2001).
What is the law society going to do with lawyer Rohan Barry Isaacs, who - inter alia - engineered false medical reports?

DR. DAVID SHEVEL was paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs to issue a report pointing to ‘delusions of grandeur’, because my Economics Students achieved Top Honours on three occasions in National Examinations: he slotted this TRUTH into a psychiatric ‘delusional disorder’, using false logic…

DR. GUNTHER WINKLER - curious to know how I remain positive, motivated, and strong - read Dr. Shevel’s report, and prescribed anti-psychotic drugs: haloperidol and benzhexol, which cause stiffness, shaking, and sudden Death…
This is the behaviour of a Nazi murderer!

Let us never forget serial murderer, “Dr.” Harold Shipman, who prescribed medication to worsen his patients’ condition. After 150 of his patients died mysteriously, police would not act, as “the evidence was not strong enough”.
Shipman was eventually found guilty, and hanged himself in his cell!

These colleague doctors - paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs – networked to silence my attempts to force out Truth and Human Rights, entitling Restorative Justice. They tortured me, in a combined effort to prove that I am CRAZY!

MAE NAVIAS - an old social worker, who wormed her way back after going on pension - fingered my sanity: she tried to blackmail me into an evaluation at Valkenberg Mental Hospital. After entering the portals of Valkenberg – in the company of murderers and rapists - a black mark & sour stigma sticks for life, and that person loses all further credibility!

APARTHEID JUSTICE means that in the High Court –
Judge Claassen was blatantly biased: he would not allow me to refer to details of the damage Dr. Rumbak caused to THREE (3) other victims, which is important and relevant Corroborative Evidence.
Judge Claassen would not allow me to demonstrate to the court that I chew in pain - like a donkey - after Dr. Rumbak damaged my Trigeminal Nerve: muscles in my neck and cheek are in permanent spasm; he dislocated my jaw, and damaged my jaw-joints, which crack. I speak in discomfort.
Judge Claassen shouted at me, and he allowed adv. John Suttner to ask a ‘leading question’.
Is this the kind of ‘judgment’ good enough to bear up in an International Court of Justice?
“Black Judges ‘not trusted’” (Sunday Times 17 October 2010).
A deputy minister has stated that “courts are racist” (Sunday Times 14 November 2010).
Fine Music Radio News 17h00 3 January 2011 referred to a “dysfunctional criminal justice system” in South Africa!
What will be done about old, biased, apartheid-mentality judges?

I draw to the attention of the world, evil acts committed by the South African medical and legal fraternity, funded by the Medical Protection Society (doctors’ professional indemnity insurers), focusing on their combined - subversive efforts - to silence stubborn victims.

If I ever surrender my Calling as a Teacher to Honour Truth, I would be giving ammunition for the devil to continue his work.
I would be a guilty accessory to medical negligence, if I did not make a contribution towards doctors taking responsibility - and being held accountable - for their botch-ups!

Raymond Chait (Hons.B.Com.H.E.D.)
Cell: 082 672 3776 Mobile: (+27) (0) 82 672 3776
23 July 2011.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011



We have a very sick medical system in South Africa…
Will the National Health Insurance (N.H.I.) bill allow Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) – doctors’ insurers - to stand back, while Dr. J.M. Rumbak – in private practice, with a medical negligence history – enjoys carte blanche to damage patients, without taking responsibility for his victims?
My 67 minutes, to make a difference, is a duty to continue challenging medical corruption in South Africa, until The Truth comes out.
It took Hero Nelson Mandela 27 years to crack apartheid! What will it take to nail medico-legal corruption in South Africa?

Google “muscle spasm while chewing “ for video of Dr. Rumbak’s butchered surgery, which has left me with a permanent neck-erection, and a monster mouth...


I promised my coach - the late Ms. Louise Hodes - that my war against private-health professional-lies will continue.
I will not sell my soul to the devil, by being intimidated by wealthy arrogance.

Apartheid-mentality support-systems are still in place, to protect the South African medical-mafia:
health department has NO control over doctors in private practice (like Dr. Rumbak), who issue false medical reports to cover their negligent colleagues’ shouting guilt, prescribing poisonous drugs to silence those victims who take a stand.
Their army-of-lawyers humiliate, intimidate, and torture brazen victims who bring out The Red Flag…
Doctors are able to bury their botch-ups effortlessly!
According to Common Law, this ‘right of eminent domain’ is an ILLEGAL privilege!
Health Department needs to control private hospitals, to avoid a repeat of the Netcare scandal: their CEO offered a public apology, after being “fined R7,8-million, admitting they unlawfully acquired and transplanted kidneys at a KwaZulu-Natal hospital earlier in the decade”
(Sunday Times 21 November 2010).

Dr. J.M. Rumbak has maimed me.
District Surgeon’s Reports & Doctors’ Reports are proof of the damage, which has ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life.
It will be a fight to The Death, until Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) acknowledges its obligations, after its client committed me to a life of pain and discomfort…

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL is paid to protect negligent doctors, including Dr. Rumbak. Their credo “guiding the professions and protecting The Public”, is a misnomer: they treat The Public with no sympathy, finding negligent doctors ‘blameless’, without meeting the damaged victims; they are aware of Dr. Rumbak’s negligence history; his victims are intimidated into silence.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL protected Dr. Ivor Lang & Dr. Benjamin Tucker, “who issued a false medical certificate”. “Lang and Tucker were later found guilty of improper and disgraceful conduct after FIVE (5) Doctors – Trefor Jenkins, Frances Ames, Edward Barker, Leslie Robertson, and Professor Phillip Tobias forced the Health Professions Council to re-open the case”. Lang and Tucker were then found guilty of covering up Steve Biko’s murder by the security police
(The Star 5 June 1997).

Corrupt MEDICAL PROTECTION SOCIETY used lawyer Rohan Isaacs – with evil tricks – to silence my grievances, after Dr. Julian M. Rumbak’s butchered mouth-surgery ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life…

Dr. Rumbak - in private practice - has a negligence history.
Dr. Rumbak’s THREE (3) other victims:
- Mr. X. suffered post-operative sinus problems. Advocate Brian Spilg compelled Dr. Rumbak to foot costs of corrective surgery.
- Ms. Y. Dr. Rumbak was responsible for incorrect crown fittings.
- Mr. Z. suffered post-operative infection, which had to be remedied by another doctor.

DR. RUMBAK’S character-assassination report states that I am “an Economics Lecturer: a bachelor, with psychological problems, living in a flat, and playing the piano in a Yeoville bar”!
After he removed my tooth-roots, I experienced prolonged bleeding; my face swelled grotesquely, climaxing in excruciatingly-painful cracking of the jaws, which persists today.

If a doctor ruins YOUR life, lawyers twist Truth, claiming that the damage “is a pre-existing condition, in YOUR imagination”. With a bag of lies, they turn the physical damage caused by the negligent doctor into a mental illness!

ROHAN BARRY ISAACS – a lawyer representing Deneys Reitz attorneys - used illegal tricks and “bully tactics” to free Dr. Rumbak from shouting guilt…
Isaacs illegally intimidated my chief witness, who refused to testify; he dispossessed me, and terrorised me by disrupting my lecture with a telephone call, illegally intimidating me with threats of orders, compelling me into humiliating examination by doctors, whom Isaacs paid, to give reports denying the blatant damage caused by Dr. Rumbak, with pretexts of “pre-existing conditions in my imagination”…

THE LAW SOCIETY – at five BOGUS ‘investigations’ - protected my lawyer, Peter Soller, who sent Death Threats, and purposely spoilt my case.
Mr. du Plessis – head of the law society disciplinary committee – threatened to ‘have me removed’, if I did not keep quiet!
Soller was then struck off the attorneys’ roll by two Judges, who state that “Soller is a danger to society”!
The law society allowed “172 law firms to defraud poor road accident victims” (The Star 10 July 2001).
What is the law society going to do with lawyer Rohan Barry Isaacs, who - inter alia - engineered false medical reports?

DR. DAVID SHEVEL was paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs to issue a report pointing to ‘delusions of grandeur’, because my Economics Students achieved Top Honours on three occasions in National Examinations: he slotted this TRUTH into a psychiatric ‘delusional disorder’, using false logic…

DR. GUNTHER WINKLER - curious to know how I remain positive, motivated, and strong - read Dr. Shevel’s report, and prescribed anti-psychotic drugs: haloperidol and benzhexol, which cause stiffness, shaking, and sudden Death…
This is the behaviour of a Nazi murderer!

These colleague doctors - paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs – networked to silence my attempts to force out Truth and Human Rights, entitling Restorative Justice. They tortured me, in a combined effort to prove that I am CRAZY!

MAE NAVIAS - an old social worker, who wormed her way back after going on pension - fingered my sanity: she tried to blackmail me into an evaluation at Valkenberg Mental Hospital. After entering the portals of Valkenberg – in the company of murderers and rapists - a black mark & sour stigma sticks for life, and that person loses all further credibility!

APARTHEID JUSTICE means that in the High Court –
Judge Claassen was blatantly biased: he would not allow me to refer to details of the damage Dr. Rumbak caused to THREE (3) other victims, which is important and relevant Corroborative Evidence.
Judge Claassen would not allow me to demonstrate to the court that I chew in pain - like a donkey - after Dr. Rumbak damaged my Trigeminal Nerve: muscles in my neck and cheek are in permanent spasm; he dislocated my jaw, and damaged my jaw-joints, which crack. I speak in discomfort.
Judge Claassen shouted at me, and he allowed adv. John Suttner to ask a ‘leading question’.
Is this the kind of ‘judgment’ good enough to bear up in an International Court of Justice?
“Black Judges ‘not trusted’” (Sunday Times 17 October 2010).
A deputy minister has stated that “courts are racist” (Sunday Times 14 November 2010).
Fine Music Radio News 17h00 3 January 2011 referred to a “dysfunctional criminal justice system” in South Africa!
What will be done about old, biased, apartheid-mentality judges?

I draw to the attention of the world, evil acts committed by the South African medical and legal fraternity, funded by the Medical Protection Society (doctors’ professional indemnity insurers), focusing on their combined - subversive efforts - to silence stubborn victims.

If I ever surrender my Calling as a Teacher to Honour Truth, I would be giving ammunition for the devil to continue his work.
I would be a guilty accessory to medical negligence, if I did not make a contribution towards doctors taking responsibility - and being held accountable - for their botch-ups!

Raymond Chait (Hons.B.Com.H.E.D.)
Cell: 082 672 3776 Mobile: (+27) (0) 82 672 3776
19 July 2011.

Saturday, July 16, 2011



Will the National Health Insurance (N.H.I.) bill allow Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) – doctors’ insurers - to stand back, while Dr. J.M. Rumbak – in private practice, with a medical negligence history – enjoys carte blanche to damage patients, without taking responsibility for his victims?
My 67 minutes, to make a difference, is a duty to continue challenging medical corruption in South Africa, until The Truth comes out.
It took Hero Nelson Mandela 27 years to crack apartheid! What will it take to nail medico-legal corruption in South Africa?

Google “muscle spasm while chewing “ for video of Dr. Rumbak’s butchered surgery, which has left me with a permanent neck-erection, and a monster mouth...


I promised my coach - the late Ms. Louise Hodes - that my war against private-health professional-lies will continue.
I will not sell my soul to the devil, by being intimidated by wealthy arrogance.

Apartheid-mentality support-systems are still in place, to protect the South African medical-mafia:
health department has NO control over doctors in private practice (like Dr. Rumbak), who issue false medical reports to cover their negligent colleagues’ shouting guilt, prescribing poisonous drugs to silence those victims who take a stand.
Their army-of-lawyers humiliate, intimidate, and torture brazen victims who bring out The Red Flag…
Doctors are able to bury their botch-ups effortlessly!
According to Common Law, this ‘right of eminent domain’ is an ILLEGAL privilege!
Health Department needs to control private hospitals, to avoid a repeat of the Netcare scandal: their CEO offered a public apology, after being “fined R7,8-million, admitting they unlawfully acquired and transplanted kidneys at a KwaZulu-Natal hospital earlier in the decade”
(Sunday Times 21 November 2010).

Dr. J.M. Rumbak has maimed me.
District Surgeon’s Reports & Doctors’ Reports are proof of the damage, which has ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life.
It will be a fight to The Death, until Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) acknowledges its obligations, after its client committed me to a life of pain and discomfort…

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL is paid to protect negligent doctors, including Dr. Rumbak. Their credo “guiding the professions and protecting The Public”, is a misnomer: they treat The Public with no sympathy, finding negligent doctors ‘blameless’, without meeting the damaged victims; they are aware of Dr. Rumbak’s negligence history; his victims are intimidated into silence.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL protected Dr. Ivor Lang & Dr. Benjamin Tucker, “who issued a false medical certificate”. “Lang and Tucker were later found guilty of improper and disgraceful conduct after FIVE (5) Doctors – Trefor Jenkins, Frances Ames, Edward Barker, Leslie Robertson, and Professor Phillip Tobias forced the Health Professions Council to re-open the case”. Lang and Tucker were then found guilty of covering up Steve Biko’s murder by the security police
(The Star 5 June 1997).

Corrupt MEDICAL PROTECTION SOCIETY used lawyer Rohan Isaacs – with evil tricks – to silence my grievances, after Dr. Julian M. Rumbak’s butchered mouth-surgery ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life…

Dr. Rumbak - in private practice - has a negligence history.
Dr. Rumbak’s THREE (3) other victims:
- Mr. X. suffered post-operative sinus problems. Advocate Brian Spilg compelled Dr. Rumbak to foot costs of corrective surgery.
- Ms. Y. Dr. Rumbak was responsible for incorrect crown fittings.
- Mr. Z. suffered post-operative infection, which had to be remedied by another doctor.

DR. RUMBAK’S character-assassination report states that I am “an Economics Lecturer: a bachelor, with psychological problems, living in a flat, and playing the piano in a Yeoville bar”!
After he removed my tooth-roots, I experienced prolonged bleeding; my face swelled grotesquely, climaxing in excruciatingly-painful cracking of the jaws, which persists today.

If a doctor ruins YOUR life, lawyers twist Truth, claiming that the damage “is a pre-existing condition, in YOUR imagination”. With a bag of lies, they turn the physical damage caused by the negligent doctor into a mental illness!

ROHAN BARRY ISAACS – a lawyer representing Deneys Reitz attorneys - used illegal tricks and “bully tactics” to free Dr. Rumbak from shouting guilt…
Isaacs illegally intimidated my chief witness, who refused to testify; he dispossessed me, and terrorised me by disrupting my lecture with a telephone call, illegally intimidating me with threats of orders, compelling me into humiliating examination by doctors, whom Isaacs paid, to give reports denying the blatant damage caused by Dr. Rumbak, with pretexts of “pre-existing conditions in my imagination”…

THE LAW SOCIETY – at five BOGUS ‘investigations’ - protected my lawyer, Peter Soller, who sent Death Threats, and purposely spoilt my case.
Mr. du Plessis – head of the law society disciplinary committee – threatened to ‘have me removed’, if I did not keep quiet!
Soller was then struck off the attorneys’ roll by two Judges, who state that “Soller is a danger to society”!
The law society allowed “172 law firms to defraud poor road accident victims” (The Star 10 July 2001).
What is the law society going to do with lawyer Rohan Barry Isaacs, who - inter alia - engineered false medical reports?

DR. DAVID SHEVEL was paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs to issue a report pointing to ‘delusions of grandeur’, because my Economics Students achieved Top Honours on three occasions in National Examinations: he slotted this TRUTH into a psychiatric ‘delusional disorder’, using false logic…

DR. GUNTHER WINKLER - curious to know how I remain positive, motivated, and strong - read Dr. Shevel’s report, and prescribed anti-psychotic drugs: haloperidol and benzhexol, which cause stiffness, shaking, and sudden Death…
This is the behaviour of a Nazi murderer!

These colleague doctors - paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs – networked to silence my attempts to force out Truth and Human Rights, entitling Restorative Justice. They tortured me, in a combined effort to prove that I am CRAZY!

MAE NAVIAS - an old social worker, who wormed her way back after going on pension - fingered my sanity: she tried to blackmail me into an evaluation at Valkenberg Mental Hospital. After entering the portals of Valkenberg – in the company of murderers and rapists - a black mark & sour stigma sticks for life, and that person loses all further credibility!

APARTHEID JUSTICE means that in the High Court –
Judge Claassen was blatantly biased: he would not allow me to refer to details of the damage Dr. Rumbak caused to THREE (3) other victims, which is important and relevant Corroborative Evidence.
Judge Claassen would not allow me to demonstrate to the court that I chew in pain - like a donkey - after Dr. Rumbak damaged my Trigeminal Nerve: muscles in my neck and cheek are in permanent spasm; he dislocated my jaw, and damaged my jaw-joints, which crack. I speak in discomfort.
Judge Claassen shouted at me, and he allowed adv. John Suttner to ask a ‘leading question’.
Is this the kind of ‘judgment’ good enough to bear up in an International Court of Justice?
“Black Judges ‘not trusted’” (Sunday Times 17 October 2010).
A deputy minister has stated that “courts are racist” (Sunday Times 14 November 2010).
Fine Music Radio News 17h00 3 January 2011 referred to a “dysfunctional criminal justice system” in South Africa!
What will be done about old, biased, apartheid-mentality judges?

I draw to the attention of the world, evil acts committed by the South African medical and legal fraternity, funded by the Medical Protection Society (doctors’ professional indemnity insurers), focusing on their combined - subversive efforts - to silence stubborn victims.

If I ever surrender my Calling as a Teacher to Honour Truth, I would be giving ammunition for the devil to continue his work.
I would be a guilty accessory to medical negligence, if I did not make a contribution towards doctors taking responsibility - and being held accountable - for their botch-ups!

Raymond Chait (Hons.B.Com.H.E.D.)
Cell: 082 672 3776 Mobile: (+27) (0) 82 672 3776
16 July 2011.

Thursday, July 14, 2011



Will the National Health Insurance (N.H.I.) bill allow Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) – doctors’ insurers - to stand back, while Dr. J.M. Rumbak – in private practice, with a medical negligence history – enjoys carte blanche to damage patients, without taking responsibility for his victims?
I will continue to challenge medical corruption in South Africa, until The Truth comes out...

Google “muscle spasm while chewing “ for video of Dr. Rumbak’s butchered surgery, which has left me with a permanent neck-erection, and a monster mouth...


I promised my coach - the late Ms. Louise Hodes - that my war against private-health professional-lies will continue.
I will not sell my soul to the devil, by being intimidated by wealthy arrogance.

Apartheid-mentality support-systems are still in place, to protect the South African medical-mafia:
health department has NO control over doctors in private practice (like Dr. Rumbak), who issue false medical reports to cover their negligent colleagues’ shouting guilt, prescribing poisonous drugs to silence those victims who take a stand.
Their army-of-lawyers humiliate, intimidate, and torture brazen victims who bring out The Red Flag…
Doctors are able to bury their botch-ups effortlessly!
According to Common Law, this ‘right of eminent domain’ is an ILLEGAL privilege!
Health Department needs to control private hospitals, to avoid a repeat of the Netcare scandal: their CEO offered a public apology, after being “fined R7,8-million, admitting they unlawfully acquired and transplanted kidneys at a KwaZulu-Natal hospital earlier in the decade”
(Sunday Times 21 November 2010).

Dr. J.M. Rumbak has maimed me.
District Surgeon’s Reports & Doctors’ Reports are proof of the damage, which has ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life.
It will be a fight to The Death, until Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) acknowledges its obligations, after its client committed me to a life of pain and discomfort…

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL is paid to protect negligent doctors, including Dr. Rumbak. Their credo “guiding the professions and protecting The Public”, is a misnomer: they treat The Public with no sympathy, finding negligent doctors ‘blameless’, without meeting the damaged victims; they are aware of Dr. Rumbak’s negligence history; his victims are intimidated into silence.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL protected Dr. Ivor Lang & Dr. Benjamin Tucker, “who issued a false medical certificate”. “Lang and Tucker were later found guilty of improper and disgraceful conduct after FIVE (5) Doctors – Trefor Jenkins, Frances Ames, Edward Barker, Leslie Robertson, and Professor Phillip Tobias forced the Health Professions Council to re-open the case”. Lang and Tucker were then found guilty of covering up Steve Biko’s murder by the security police
(The Star 5 June 1997).

Corrupt MEDICAL PROTECTION SOCIETY used lawyer Rohan Isaacs – with evil tricks – to silence my grievances, after Dr. Julian M. Rumbak’s butchered mouth-surgery ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life…

Dr. Rumbak - in private practice - has a negligence history.
Dr. Rumbak’s THREE (3) other victims:
- Mr. X. suffered post-operative sinus problems. Advocate Brian Spilg compelled Dr. Rumbak to foot costs of corrective surgery.
- Ms. Y. Dr. Rumbak was responsible for incorrect crown fittings.
- Mr. Z. suffered post-operative infection, which had to be remedied by another doctor.

DR. RUMBAK’S character-assassination report states that I am “an Economics Lecturer: a bachelor, with psychological problems, living in a flat, and playing the piano in a Yeoville bar”!
After he removed my tooth-roots, I experienced prolonged bleeding; my face swelled grotesquely, climaxing in excruciatingly-painful cracking of the jaws, which persists today.

If a doctor ruins YOUR life, lawyers twist Truth, claiming that the damage “is a pre-existing condition, in YOUR imagination”. With a bag of lies, they turn the physical damage caused by the negligent doctor into a mental illness!

ROHAN BARRY ISAACS – a lawyer representing Deneys Reitz attorneys - used illegal tricks and “bully tactics” to free Dr. Rumbak from shouting guilt…
Isaacs illegally intimidated my chief witness, who refused to testify; he dispossessed me, and terrorised me by disrupting my lecture with a telephone call, illegally intimidating me with threats of orders, compelling me into humiliating examination by doctors, whom Isaacs paid, to give reports denying the blatant damage caused by Dr. Rumbak, with pretexts of “pre-existing conditions in my imagination”…

THE LAW SOCIETY – at five BOGUS ‘investigations’ - protected my lawyer, Peter Soller, who sent Death Threats, and purposely spoilt my case.
Mr. du Plessis – head of the law society disciplinary committee – threatened to ‘have me removed’, if I did not keep quiet!
Soller was then struck off the attorneys’ roll by two Judges, who state that “Soller is a danger to society”!
The law society allowed “172 law firms to defraud poor road accident victims” (The Star 10 July 2001).
What is the law society going to do with lawyer Rohan Barry Isaacs, who - inter alia - engineered false medical reports?

DR. DAVID SHEVEL was paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs to issue a report pointing to ‘delusions of grandeur’, because my Economics Students achieved Top Honours on three occasions in National Examinations: he slotted this TRUTH into a psychiatric ‘delusional disorder’, using false logic…

DR. GUNTHER WINKLER - curious to know how I remain positive, motivated, and strong - read Dr. Shevel’s report, and prescribed anti-psychotic drugs: haloperidol and benzhexol, which cause stiffness, shaking, and sudden Death…
This is the behaviour of a Nazi murderer!

These colleague doctors - paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs – networked to silence my attempts to force out Truth and Human Rights, entitling Restorative Justice. They tortured me, in a combined effort to prove that I am CRAZY!

MAE NAVIAS - an old social worker, who wormed her way back after going on pension - fingered my sanity: she tried to blackmail me into an evaluation at Valkenberg Mental Hospital. After entering the portals of Valkenberg – in the company of murderers and rapists - a black mark & sour stigma sticks for life, and that person loses all further credibility!

APARTHEID JUSTICE means that in the High Court –
Judge Claassen was blatantly biased: he would not allow me to refer to details of the damage Dr. Rumbak caused to THREE (3) other victims, which is important and relevant Corroborative Evidence.
Judge Claassen would not allow me to demonstrate to the court that I chew in pain - like a donkey - after Dr. Rumbak damaged my Trigeminal Nerve: muscles in my neck and cheek are in permanent spasm; he dislocated my jaw, and damaged my jaw-joints, which crack. I speak in discomfort.
Judge Claassen shouted at me, and he allowed adv. John Suttner to ask a ‘leading question’.
Is this the kind of ‘judgment’ good enough to bear up in an International Court of Justice?
“Black Judges ‘not trusted’” (Sunday Times 17 October 2010).
A deputy minister has stated that “courts are racist” (Sunday Times 14 November 2010).
Fine Music Radio News 17h00 3 January 2011 referred to a “dysfunctional criminal justice system” in South Africa!
What will be done about old, biased, apartheid-mentality judges?

I draw to the attention of the world, evil acts committed by the South African medical and legal fraternity, funded by the Medical Protection Society (doctors’ professional indemnity insurers), focusing on their combined - subversive efforts - to silence stubborn victims.

If I ever surrender my Calling as a Teacher to Honour Truth, I would be giving ammunition for the devil to continue his work.
I would be a guilty accessory to medical negligence, if I did not make a contribution towards doctors taking responsibility - and being held accountable - for their botch-ups!

Raymond Chait (Hons.B.Com.H.E.D.)
Cell: 082 672 3776 Mobile: (+27) (0) 82 672 3776
14 July 2011.

Friday, July 1, 2011



Will new National Health Insurance bill allow Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) – doctors’ insurers - to stand back, while Dr. J.M. Rumbak – with his medical negligence history – enjoys carte blache to damage patients, without taking responsibility for his victims?
Google “muscle spasm while chewing “ for video of Dr. Rumbak’s butchered surgery.


I promised my coach - the late Ms. Louise Hodes - that my war against private health professional lies will continue. I will not sell my soul to the devil, by being intimidated by wealthy arrogance.

Apartheid-mentality support-systems are still in place, to protect a medical mafia:
health department has no control over doctors in private practice (like Dr. Rumbak), who issue false medical reports to cover their negligent colleagues’ shouting guilt, prescribing poisonous drugs to silence those victims who take a stand.
Their army of lawyers humiliate, intimidate, and torture brazen victims who bring out The Red Flag…

Dr. J.M. Rumbak maimed me. District Surgeon’s Reports & Doctors’ Reports spell out all the damage.
It will be a fight to The Death, until Medical Protection Society (M.P.S.) acknowledges its obligations, after its client broke my mouth, committing me to a life of pain and discomfort…

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL is paid to protect negligent doctors, including Dr. Rumbak. Their credo “guiding the professions and protecting The Public”, is a misnomer: they treat The Public with no sympathy, finding negligent doctors ‘blameless’, without meeting the damaged victims; they are aware of Dr. Rumbak’s negligence history; his victims are intimidated into silence.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL protected Dr. Ivor Lang & Dr. Benjamin Tucker, “who issued a false medical certificate”. “Lang and Tucker were later found guilty of improper and disgraceful conduct after FIVE (5) Doctors – Trefor Jenkins, Frances Ames, Edward Barker, Leslie Robertson, and Professor Phillip Tobias forced the Health Professions Council to re-open the case”. Lang and Tucker were then found guilty of covering up Steve Biko’s murder by the security police
(The Star 5 June 1997).

WILL THE NEW “NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE” ALLOW APARTHEID PRACTICES TO CONTINUE, where the Department of Health has NO CONTROL over South African doctors in private practice - including Dr. Rumbak - making it easy for these doctors to bury their botch-ups?
According to Common Law, this ‘right of eminent domain’ is an ILLEGAL privilege!
Health Department needs to control private hospitals, to avoid a repeat of the Netcare scandal: their CEO offered a public apology, after being “fined R7,8-million, admitting they unlawfully acquired and transplanted kidneys at a KwaZulu-Natal hospital earlier in the decade”
(Sunday Times 21 November 2010).

Corrupt MEDICAL PROTECTION SOCIETY used lawyer Rohan Isaacs – with evil tricks – to silence my grievances, after Dr. Julian M. Rumbak’s butchered mouth-surgery ruined my lecturing career and quality-of-life…

Dr. Rumbak - in private practice - has a negligence history.
Dr. Rumbak’s THREE (3) other victims:
- Mr. X. suffered post-operative sinus problems. Advocate Brian Spilg compelled Dr. Rumbak to foot costs of corrective surgery.
- Ms. Y. Dr. Rumbak was responsible for incorrect crown fittings.
- Mr. Z. suffered post-operative infection, which had to be remedied by another doctor.

DR. RUMBAK’S character-assassination report states that I am “an Economics Lecturer: a bachelor, with psychological problems, living in a flat, and playing the piano in a Yeoville bar”!
After he removed my tooth-roots, I experienced prolonged bleeding; my face swelled grotesquely, climaxing in excruciatingly-painful cracking of the jaws, which persists today.

If a doctor ruins YOUR life, lawyers twist Truth, claiming that the damage “is a pre-existing condition, in YOUR imagination”. With a bag of lies, they turn the physical damage caused by the negligent doctor into a mental illness!

ROHAN BARRY ISAACS – a lawyer representing Deneys Reitz attorneys - used illegal tricks and “bully tactics” to free Dr. Rumbak from shouting guilt…
Isaacs illegally intimidated my chief witness, who refused to testify; he dispossessed me, and terrorised me by disrupting my lecture with a telephone call, illegally intimidating me with threats of orders, compelling me into humiliating examination by doctors, whom Isaacs paid, to give reports denying the blatant damage caused by Dr. Rumbak, with pretexts of “pre-existing conditions in my imagination”…

THE LAW SOCIETY – at five BOGUS ‘investigations’ - protected my lawyer, Peter Soller, who sent Death Threats, and purposely spoilt my case.
Mr. du Plessis – head of the law society disciplinary committee – threatened to ‘have me removed’, if I did not keep quiet!
Soller was then struck off the attorneys’ roll by two Judges, who state that “Soller is a danger to society”!
The law society allowed “172 law firms to defraud poor road accident victims” (The Star 10 July 2001).
What is the law society going to do with lawyer Rohan Barry Isaacs, who - inter alia - engineered false medical reports?

DR. DAVID SHEVEL was paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs to issue a report pointing to ‘delusions of grandeur’, because my Economics Students achieved Top Honours on three occasions in National Examinations: he slotted this TRUTH into a psychiatric ‘delusional disorder’, using false logic…

DR. GUNTHER WINKLER - curious to know how I remain positive, motivated, and strong - read Dr. Shevel’s report, and prescribed anti-psychotic drugs: haloperidol and benzhexol, which cause stiffness, shaking, and sudden Death…
This is the behaviour of a Nazi murderer!

These colleague doctors - paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs - tried to silence my attempts to force out Truth and Human Rights, entitling Restorative Justice. They tortured me, in a combined effort to prove that I am MAD!

MAE NAVIAS - an old social worker, who wormed her way back after going on pension - fingered my sanity: she tried to blackmail me into an evaluation at Valkenberg Mental Hospital. After entering the portals of Valkenberg – in the company of murderers and rapists - a black mark & sour stigma sticks for life, and that person loses all further credibility!

APARTHEID JUSTICE means that in the High Court –
Judge Claassen was blatantly biased: he would not allow me to refer to details of the damage Dr. Rumbak caused to THREE (3) other victims, which is important and relevant Corroborative Evidence.
Judge Claassen would not allow me to demonstrate to the court that I chew in pain - like a donkey - after Dr. Rumbak damaged my Trigeminal Nerve: muscles in my neck and cheek are in permanent spasm; he dislocated my jaw, and damaged my jaw-joints, which crack. I speak in discomfort.
Judge Claassen shouted at me, and he allowed adv. John Suttner to ask a ‘leading question’.
Is this the kind of ‘judgment’ good enough to bear up in an International Court of Justice?
“Black Judges ‘not trusted’” (Sunday Times 17 October 2010).
A deputy minister has stated that “courts are racist” (Sunday Times 14 November 2010).
Fine Music Radio News 17h00 3 January 2011 referred to a “dysfunctional criminal justice system” in South Africa!
What will be done about old, biased, apartheid-mentality judges?

I draw to the attention of the world, evil acts committed by the South African medical and legal fraternity, funded by the Medical Protection Society (doctors’ professional indemnity insurers), focusing on their combined - subversive efforts - to silence stubborn victims.

If I ever surrender my Calling as a Teacher to Honour Truth, I would be giving ammunition for the devil to continue his work.
I would be a guilty accessory to medical negligence, if I did not make a contribution towards doctors taking responsibility - and being held accountable - for their botch-ups!

Raymond Chait (Hons.B.Com.H.E.D.)
Cell: 082 672 3776 Mobile: (+27) (0) 82 672 3776
1 July 2011.